Are you sensitive to this to the division of roles in the home and do you think that when a woman has children she starts to be defin mainly by being a mother? You mention stereotypes the question about combining motherhood with professional work is for me a flagship example of stereotypical treatment and I encounter such a situation from time to time. smile This is not a question that men are ask as one of the first in a similar situation. I answer them like this just like many dads combine fatherhood with their professional work. When you are a parent of a preschooler you have to reckon with the fact that something unplann may happen tomorrow such as your toddlers illness.
This requires good organization cooperation and quick decision making and sometimes looking for non standard solutions just like at work. smile My daughter is a smart brave and limiting young woman every day I practice with her the art of negotiating and controlling my emotions. laughter How many people there are so many Taiwan WhatsApp Number List concepts about femininity. What does femininity mean to you and do its features help you in what you do professionally every day? I actually think traits have no gender. smile What helps me most at work? Good organization and looking for a meeting point of different perspectives which often conflict with each other. You have been working at FreshMail for many years.
What do you appreciate in this work environment and what values are close to you? What I like most about FreshMail is the ability to change. I had the opportunity to test myself in several roles. Each time it was a bit like changing jobs. This path l me to my favorite role so far. smile Openness dynamic environment great people and relationships which are often also outside of work are something that definitely distinguishes FreshMail and kept me here for longer. I actually think traits have no gender.