When you begin working on the body of your blog post, make sure readers can clearly understand what you’re trying to accomplish. You shouldn’t feel pressure to elongate your post with unnecessary details, and chances are that if you keep it concise, readers will derive more value from your work. 5. Use media with a purpose. Break up the monotony of your blog post with some multimedia content where seen fit. Your reader will enjoy visiting a blog page with images, videos, polls, audio or slideshows as opposed to a page of black and white text. It also makes it more interactive and improves your on-page search engine optimization SEO.
Now, do you want some real examples of blog posts? See what your first blog post can look like based on the topic you choose and the audience you're targeting. Blog Post Examples List-Based Post Thought Leadership Post Curated Collection Post SlideShare fax number list Presentation Newsjacking Post Infographic Post How-to Post Guest Post 1. List-Based Blog Post List-Based Post Example: 17 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2021, According to HubSpot Bloggers List-based posts are sometimes called "listicles," a mix of the words "list" and "article." These are articles that deliver information in the form of a list.
A listicle uses sub-headers to break down the blog post into individual pieces, helping readers skim and digest your content more easily. As you can see in the example from our blog, listicles can offer various tips and methods for solving a problem. 2. Thought Leadership Post Example: How HubSpot's Customers Are Shaping the Next Normal Thought-leadership-blog-example Thought leadership posts allow you to share your expertise on a particular subject matter and share firsthand knowledge with your readers. These pieces — which can be written in the first person, like the post shown above help you build trust with your audience so people take your blog seriously as you continue to write for it.