Content capable of creating a connection with the target Conversion . , that of the "final push" that leads to the purchase Then there is a fourth phase that begins immediately after the purchase, that of customer retention. Not having included it in the list is a small provocation: still too often it is considered less important than the others. Is a lead forever? Satisfying the post-purchase needs of buyers means: Increase their trust in the brand Maximize return on investment (ROI) and reduce overall average customer acquisition cost (CAC) Driving the same customer to make repeat purchases "Following" the customer after the purchase can lead them to buy again.
The ideal path for Carlo, lead model, is as follows: Interest . Carlo shows interest in mobile number list your product or service Purchase . Carlo has decided that you are the answer and buys from you for the first time Post-purchase testimonial . Carlo, satisfied with your product or service, writes a review or a positive comment on Facebook. You can capitalize on its effects through referral marketing strategies Apostle of the brand . Carlo is now your brand evangelist : he promotes your business by posting information on social media and other digital channels "eCommerce is more about user experience than selling. In shopping carts.
Users don't just hoard goods, they choose services." Silvia-t-tondoBN FINAL Silvia Teodori Digital project manager Back to index Strategies and tips to improve customer acquisition There are many strategies that drive customer acquisition activity . Let's see in detail which are the main ones. 1. Increase the speed of your site In the age of word of mouth, slow eCommerce can lead to declines in authority and popularity . Let's take a look at these stats . 47% of customers expect web pages to load in less than 2 seconds If loading times exceed 3 seconds, 57% of visitors abandon the website 80% of those who leave the website never return Of that 80%, 44% will give you bad publicity to friends and acquaintances Load times longer than 2 seconds.