You will directly meet the needs of Internet users who type the query "tool to dig a hole". Here are two examples of product sheets, one with far too technical content, the other with technical content to which is added explanatory content on the product. Bad product sheet content Example of a product sheet with content composed only of characteristics and technical terms Good product sheet content Example of a product sheet with technical characteristics, but also content that explains what the product is for.
SEO Factor Metadata According to him, the most important factor after the content is the use of meta tags that will describe the content. This will make it easier for Google fax list robots to read and understand the content of your page. But it is also useful for Internet users. The meta description, for example, represents a small excerpt from the page that appears in the results pages, thus allowing Internet users to quickly identify which page corresponds to their request, that is to say, to their needs and expectations. Similarly, meta titles are just as important. Your pages must contain titles that correspond to the theme of the page, while being unique.
You are probably aware that Google penalizes duplicate content. You must therefore take care towrite unique content, meta descriptions and titles . SEO factor website performance We have often repeated it in our articles, especially since the move to the Mobile-First Index, the loading time of a site is a very important SEO criterion. The performance of a site is precisely the 3 rdfactor that Martin Splitt mentioned. John Mueller, Google SEO spokesperson, recently said that this ranking factor does not replace all others. Lots of ranking factors are taken into consideration which is a good thing. The idea is therefore not to apply everything perfectly.