Likely to be attacked by hackers than you would as a normal user. It will almost certainly be an attempt to seize control of your account in order to monetize it, or to steal your name in order to sell it. If you join the right Facebook groups, you will see posts on a daily basis from influencers seeking assistance in reclaiming control of their accounts. As previously stated, Instagram does not have an official escalation path for influencers. Your escalation attempts through the standard channels will be grouped in with the thousands of requests submitted by users with no profile picture and followers.
This means that going through the murky unofficial channels is your best bet. These include locating a person with an Instagram contact, most commonly a friend or someone who has had to engage with Instagram on behalf of their business, such as an employee at a large advertising partner. If you are reading whatsapp mobile number list this, chances are you do not have a friend who can assist you, so be prepared to spend some money. Because of the lack of official support, a gray market of employees offering unofficial Instagram support services for thousands of dollars depending on the task has emerged.
Depending on how much revenue the account generates, how important it is to your brand, and how much work you put into building your audience, it may still make sense to spend a significant amount of money to reclaim your account. How Quickly Does Instagram Support Respond? It typically takes about a week for a support team to respond to you. While you are waiting for a response, do not forget to check your spam folder. If you have waited more than three weeks and still have not received a response, you can submit another inquiry.